Ginger is root plant that has long been popular throughout the world as healthful herb for healing, beverage, condiment herb for cooking and spicy herb for cake or cookies. Ginger root is actually a rhizome, a root-like underground stem. Ginger is the common name for the monocotyledonous perennial plant Zingeber officinale roscoe. Ginger was brought to the West from Asia, where it has been used as healthy herb and food spice for 2,000 years or more. The ginger plant has long history of cultivation know to originate in China and then spread to India, Southeast Asia, West Africa, and the Carribean.

Ginger has been used in China since the 4th centery B.C. In China, ginger traditionally was used as a warming beverage. It was a popular drink, consume during meals and at other times of the day. It is said that Chinese scholar Confucius had ginger nearby at every meal. It was regarded as a tonic for yang "chi", or energy, and was a favorite infusion during the cold and chills season. Ginger has become increasingly popular because of its delicious, warming and spicy taste.

General market in around us usually provides one or more of ginger fresh, ginger powder or pickled ginger. Many country have different kind of ginger and their product.

Research on rats suggests that ginger may useful for treating diabetes. People many countries are still using ginger products for reducing commond cold, prevent the flu, relieving stomach-ache, flatulence, nausea, morning sickness and many more.

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