Sugar does not cause diabetes. Many people believe that sugar is the prime cause of this condition. This is a typical case of confusing the treatment of the disease with the cause. An example given is, you take an aspirin for the headache but the headache was not caused by a lack of aspirin in your body. The aspirin treats your headache.
Similarly, when a low-sugar diet is recommended to diabetes patients is does not mean a high-sugar intake was the cause of their diabetes in the first place. A review on sugar in the US Surgeon-General's Report concluded that sugar, at current intake level, is not the cause of diabetes.The report acknowledges that excessive sugar intake does cause dental cavities but not diabetes. The major factor implicated in the increased incidences of diabetes Type II (non-insulin dependent) is obesity. Meanwhile Type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) is believed to be genetic.
This type of diabetes is caused by a pancreas malfunction resulting in insufficient insulin levels in the body.authorities worldwide have urged people to adopt good lifestyle measures to reduce their risk. A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential components of good, healthy lifestyle.